Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Webseries Update

So I haven't posted in forever because I have been swamped with work but I have a webseries update! So the first draft of the script is finally done! Ugh! Rewrites will be happening this week and next week. Having a meeting with the Hair and make up and wardrobe people Friday. Then next week working on the production book. June 5th having a read through/meeting with the cast and crew and the photo shoot of the boys will be the 6th of June. Then we start filming the 12th of June.

I am soooo excited there is still so much to do, I was going over with my mom props and things that we will be needing for the photo shoot. Then once the photo shoot is done I have to make print outs and posters and t-shirts. Next week I will also be talking with my graphic artist about logos, opening and closing credits and the website it's self.

There is just so much to do before we start filming! I haven't felt this alive since College! It's so good to do your own project again.

I will continue to update as progress continues and will be posting photos as well!