Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Okay so the reason I didn't post a weight loss update yesterday is cause I gained 3 pounds, but I am convinced it is 3 pounds of muscle cause my tight jeans still aren't tight anymore. So I will take the inches that I have lost but I want the number to go down damn it! Grrrrr.

Well anyway I am working on a script for a webseries that will be filming in June and July. I am 20 pages into the first draft, but I am hoping to have a lot more done this weekend. I also just started writing another short story based off a bizarre dream I had but once I get it done I will change the names so that maybe it can be my own creation of sorts and maybe be turned into a book, but we shall see. I forwarded the first 5 pages to Amanda I got that done in like 10 minutes. The juices were just flowing and I am hoping that that will help me get over my slump of the webseries.

More updates on all 3 projects later.

One last note, the pilot I worked on, Delta Blues, is airing on TNT on June 22nd but it is now called Memphis Beat. I am just going to tell you right now, it suxs! But watch it just for me! lol


  1. Losing weight is always hard, but at least your pants are looser! That's kinda how I go by my weight right now, how my pants fit. I only weigh myself when I go to the gym.

    Anyways, so who's in this pilot that's going to be on TNT?

  2. The only really famous person is Jason Lee from My Name is Earl. But i am serious about the show suxing! lol Just watch the pilot cause i worked on it! lol
